Below you'll find comprehensive resources to assist in preparing for AP®* English Exams.
The Lang materials are for students and teachers.
The Lit materials are for teachers!
Get excited for this exclusive Garden of English video series that includes guided notes, self-guided practice, exclusive multiple choice questions with rationales, and practice exam & scoring opportunities. All of what we've created is meant to help you do better in your AP®* English Language class and help you score higher on your AP®* exam. It's the BEST exam review guide you can get!
You can grab the COURSE & EXAM GUIDE Now by Clicking Here:
*AP® is a trademark registered to and owned by the College Board, which is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, this product.
Lit Support from the Garden of English provides teachers with a myriad supplemental materials for any AP®* English Literature classroom.
In this resource you will find:
Digital and Print Assignments for existing GOE Lit Essay YouTube Writing Videos.
9 Unit Tests that are Fully Aligned with the AP®* Lit CED.
Answer Guides, Suggested Rubrics, & Multiple Choice Rationales
A Full Practice Lit Exam (with Rationales, Sample Responses, Scoring Commentary, Self-Assessment Rubrics, & Scoring Sheets)
Novel-Based, Specialty, and Thematic Prompt Packets for Commonly Taught Works
Access to ALL of the Garden of English's Literature Poster Files
Consistent updates and upgrades over the life of the product
Teachers can grab GOE's LIT SUPPORT Now by Clicking Below:
*AP® is a trademark registered to and owned by the College Board, which is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, this product.